The Join Link isn't working, how can I join?

Membership Services -

  1. Visit our website at
  2. Click the gold “Join” button located in the top left corner of the screen
  3. Enter your passcode from your invitation or search for your email
  4. Proceed with completing the membership application and paying the one time membership fee
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    William McGee

    I set up my profile but couldn't pay at the time because of a stolen credit card, I have been trying since and I can't find where I can just pay for my membership. If I go to the Join it asks me for my invitation and has me filling everything out again then says already profile set up go to log in page and I have clicked on everything and still can't get to the pay for membership page. It even let me order graduation items. lol I have called and left messages since last week can someone please call me and help me figure it out. William McGee (352) 577-4265 I really want to pay for my membership because we graduate beginning of May(5th)

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    Eric Santiago

    It states that I have accepted the membership to become a PTK. However, when I tap a drop down menu for access , it me my access, stating that it doesn't recognize me. 

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