ALL Hallmark Awards entries are submitted online at (also known as Rather than uploading the entire entry as a document, text is entered into each question and answer block. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time before the deadline to copy and paste your answers into the online application.
Advisors must report a member as a Hallmark Chapter Delegate in order for the member to access the apps online. Instructions are at and on your Dashboard (or go directly to An advisor may enter the content on behalf of the chapter members; however, we encourage advisors to delegate this task to a chapter officer/member.
We highly recommend you finalize your entry outside the application site before copying and pasting it into the online application.
If copying from Microsoft Word, copy the text into Notepad or Wordpad first and then copy it into the application response area. This will eliminate any formatting that MS Word copies with the text. You may have to clean up some formatting of the text.
Please note that the application website does not allow boldface, italics, underlining, or changing the font size or style. This does NOT count against the chapter, especially for the Honors in Action Project entry where APA style is used for the annotated bibliographies.