My invitation has expired. What can I do?

Chasity Harmon -

Once the invitation has expired, you must contact the local PTK chapter advisor to see if you are still eligible for membership. If you are still eligible, your advisor can give you a new passcode to join.

If you are unsure whom to contact, you can locate the Phi Theta Kappa advisor on your campus by searching for your chapter in our online Chapter Directory.

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    Leonard Baughman

    I would like to see if I could extend my invitation till I have money to pay the $80.00. I do not know who to contact at the school. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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    Megan Schneider

    I accidentally missed the deadline and haven’t heard back from my school advisor. I’d still like to join and hoping I can get a new passcode. Thank you for your time!

    Edited by Megan Schneider
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    Sierra Jennifer

    I would like to see if I could extend my invitation. I actually missed the deadline and I do not know who is my school advisor. I’ve been calling to try to get information but haven’t had luck. Thank you for your time.

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