How long until I receive my membership packet?

Chasity Harmon -

Your membership packet will arrive within 5 to 7 weeks of your membership acceptance date. If it has been longer than 7 weeks and you haven’t received your membership packet, please contact us at

If you need membership proof/verification, you can access a PDF copy of your membership certificate by going to Log in and click on your name.  Under “Membership and Participation,” then “Membership Details,” you will see a link to "Click Here to Generate Membership Certificate PDF."

You can also request a letter of recommendation online at - Login - Members - Member Tools - Letter of Recommendation.

Have more questions? Submit a request


  • 18
    Katherine Chavarria

    I haven’t received my packet , and I can’t track the order

  • 5
    Marilyn Motley

    When will I receive my membership package

  • 8
    Arthur Chan

    I haven't received my packet as well and it's been almost 6 months since I joined. I've emailed three times about it with no reply. Where is the follow-up? Where is the communication? Quite unprofessional on PTK's end. 

  • 3
    Busisiwe Campbell

    I haven't received my membership packet and apparently it was shipped September 14 I can't even track it

  • 3
    Jihane Abdelhadi

    I haven't received my packet; it has been over two weeks since I joined PKT. I don't have tracking for it or even a confirmation email.

  • 4
    Brittany Gamble

    I haven't received my packet and its going on 3 months. I submitted a request, and it's still open with no response.

  • 3
    Juniece Daniels

    I agree with Magdalina, there's literally no communication whatsoever with this organization. They take your money and that's it. 

  • 6
    Felicia Frantz

    I have not received my membership packet either or the extra stuff I ordered also.

  • 0
    Felicia Frantz

    This is ridiculous! I joined 4 months ago, and I have not got my welcome package or the stuff that I order when I accepted it. I have emailed, called, and every other way to contact them and no response from no one. This is a joke they just want your money then they act like you done exist. I am about to go over all their heads and something is going to be done. You know they read everyone of these comments and can't even comment on them. They will pay they basically took 350.00 dollars from me for nothing. 

  • 1
    Britteny Holmes

    Never received anything from here and its been a year. i might as well get my money back. Im missing out on my induction because of this. Cant get in touch with someone from here at all. I emailed someone and got back to me but wasnt able to help. 

  • 1
    Dante Federico

    I never recived My PTK PEN Also I did not recive my identificationc card.

  • 1
    Erika Manweiler

    I emailed last week and no packet yet and no response from PTK about where it is, it's only been 8 weeks but who is in charge here and how do you get in contact with anyone? Very disappointing and frustrating

  • 1
    Susan Born

    I joined in late March 2023. I email about two weeks ago because I am still waiting for the welcome packet. I haven't received a response from PTK yet. Guess I will contact the representative at my school to see if they can intervene.

  • 1
    Angela Horton

    I graduate in May. I have not received my tassel, certificate, or pin. Nothing. I paid for the membership. There are people on here 6 months out and no package. Is it not coming before I graduate?!

  • 1
    Cathrice Poyser

    Seeing these comments are scaring me. I have not received anything either. OMG !

  • 0
    Angela Horton

    Hi guys, update. I responded to the shopping link that came to my school email and received a quick k response. They advised mine will be here in April. Delivery is 4-6 weeks from sign up etc. I will post when I receive but if you get. a PTK email for product sales, their customer service is pretty quick to respond.

  • 0
    Angela Horton

    My packet came today! I have my certificate, pin, and tassel! 

  • 0
    Maicol La Guidice

    I still haven't received my welcome packet. 

  • 0
    Malina Bruhns

    Is the packet separate from the cords, medals etc.?

  • 0
    Marilyn Motley

    I was inducted in 1974 and never did receive my membership paclet

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